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We are a Brazilian timber company with experience, since 1996, of exporting timber products to five continents.

Our factory is located in Belém, a city at the mouth of the Amazon River, in northern Brazil.


Our structure consists of approximately 3,200 m² of metal-framed warehouses, with greenhouses for drying wood and all the machinery necessary for the treatment of wood, including specialized machines for the manufacture of parts of the structures, prefabricated buildings and for joinery and furnishings.


We seek the development of a sustainable economy for the Amazon region, in particular the best use of wood and its waste and to add value to what is happening here.


We are passionate about wood!


Our Company


All the wood we use to make our products comes from wooded areas or loggers with sustainable forest management, approved by Brazilian government environmental control agencies.

Respect for the environment, commitment to the sustainability of the planet we inhabit and respect for our employees and the society in which we live, are our values.

Our carpenters are committed, not only to the quality of the products we make, but also to the best possible use of the resources that nature makes available to us.

We believe in fair trade. The prices of our products take into account, in addition to the necessary financial profitability that every company needs, a fair price for our customers.

Our values

Deep in the Amazon rainforest there was a tribe of warrior women, the Icamiabas, who did not marry and did not let anyone near.

Once a year they received the Guacari warriors. On the day of the visit, they plunged into the purified waters of a lake, where they collected a green clay, which will then take the form of fish, turtles, frogs - they called “Muiraquitã”.

The warriors received the frogs as gifts, which, by their originality, were used as an amulet of luck, happiness and love.

Until today, it is believed that the “Muiraquitã” brings a lot of luck, happiness and love to the person who uses it as an amulet, especially when given by a woman.


Muiraquitã, our totem, an Amazonian legend.

Estrada do Anani, 58 - Galpão - Tenoné

CEP 66820-285 - Belém, Pará, Brasil

CNPJ nº 31.634.241/0001-16


+55 91 98101 7711

© 2024 Amazon Totem ® is a registered trademark at Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) of Brazil under nº 907149928. All rights reserved.

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